...[ God may have forgave you, but I do not. ]


short summary

Fast Description
Demon, Deer, Human Hybrid.

ALIAS Sammy, / "the poet".
AGE Unknown, as the count has stopped. [~100-1,000 (?)]
GENDER Trans Man
SPECIES Human, Deer, Demon Hybrid.
SKILLS Poet, Artist.
He can and will change his form at will.
NOTES Sammy's corporeal form is a testament to the intricate interplay of multiple essences converging into a singular vessel. Born from the ethereal energies of demon-kind, the gentle grace of deer, and the complex depths of humanity, Sam's body is a manifestation of a convergence rather than a singular origin. His physicality transcends traditional boundaries, embodying a synthesis of disparate elements that coalesce into a harmonious whole.
While each constituent part contributes to his being, there exists a profound symbiosis wherein Sammy's essence permeates every fiber of his existence, blurring the lines between ownership and embodiment.
In this sense, his body is both his own and yet not his own, a vessel that simultaneously houses and reflects the myriad facets of his multifaceted identity.
This enigmatic nature grants Sammy a depth and complexity that defies conventional understanding, inviting contemplation into the boundless possibilities of existence and the intricate tapestry of interconnectedness that defines his being.
INFO Shapeshifter at will, Can and will use this to blend in but in unable to change his eyes.
INFO He is our main OC & Persona.



I do want to make it clear, that most of his oc lore is linked with things that happend to us irl, and him along with his story is practically our own story, and this is half used as a way to cope.
Just keep this in mind, and this is one of a few warnings to his backstory
Do not read if you cant handle such topics!
Possible mentions of ;;
Death; SA; SH; Abuse; Drug, Drinking, and OD mentions
Overall Violence and just some other stuff

Please make sure to take care of yourself, you are loved.

there is a shorter and cleaner version at the bottom, There where many idea's we had for his backstory so it is a bit cramped, Sorry!

Story below is being updated/fixed a lot, so this is not the final edit!

Childhood 5-12 : Growing Up. (wip)
With tender hearts and warm embraces, Sammy's loving parents nurtured him from the delicate moment he took his first breath. Each day blossomed into an adventure shared among their close-knit family unit, colored with profound love that transcended time's merciless passing by binding roots deeper than any storm could tear apart.
Sun-drenched afternoons spent frolicking together exemplified this profound affection he felt - full of picnics where laughter echoed through lush green fields, moments filled with playful laughs that chased their shadows across yellowed grass beneath sapphire skies.
Evenings saw him enveloped closely under soft blankets woven with tenderness, gently tucked in night after night through stories told in soothing tones - rich narratives unfurled like fragrant petals during calm autumnal twilight.
Moments forever etched in memory represent facets of their strong bond: in Sammy's first few year's, holding trembling hands while learning how to ride small bicycles along gentle paths as they cheered him onward; marking milestones like giddy cherry blossoms blooming during year 3,
enveloped safely within mother's gaze when riding swings high above well-manicured gardens; nurturing inquisitive curiosity during year two upon visits escorted through verdant museums teeming with discovery. These treasured experiences seared into his soul for eternity.
Memories flooded by sweet treats gorging mouths at special celebratory meals also contributed heavily towards strengthening ties forming tight around them. As Sammy turned 4,
candles had gleamed from a birthday cake shared between loved ones, their eyes sparkling bright as beacons reflecting his increasing confidence;
baking cookies all together in Year 5 helped paint portraits indelible upon their minds. And later that same year witnessed them serenading him beneath fireworks exploding colorfully against darkening evening skies, each explosion symbolizing a newfound growth within young heartstrings—burgeoning into someone wiser yet only marginally taller since their last shared
Near-resplendent months slipped from their hands like grains of sand. Yet amidst these changes yet to unfold, their encouragement never waned—for Sammy's security laid safely within arm reaches no matter how fast clouds of worry could race towards life uncharted territories. In lovely ceremonial rhythm marked strongly among-st days gone past until what remains only half-longed for today: warmth infinitely seized hold within precious recollections guarding reprieve from dauntless adventures.
Cherished photos starring his adoring parents smiled stove-top frames with broad smiles yearning devotion returning during every step taken away from home thereafter...or perhaps towards foreseeable tomorrows that could still offer late savors unredeemed–still alight in encased frames punctuation his past ages beginning 'til now.
-But like a distorted beauty, splintered sunlight filtering through a cracked windowpane, permeated Sammy's early life was soon raised by a family veiled in darkness, he breathed not the air of affection but the cruel caresses masquerading as love's harsh facsimile. Abandoned at birth, this innocent vessel bore the burden of scorn and torment, indoctrinated into a twisted world where love was an elusive specter.Nuzzled in barbed thorns, Sammy felt no warmth of kindness nor tenderness during his tender years, only malice clawing at the seams of his fragile existence. Through childhood's panoply of days and passing seasons, he bore the relentless storm of abuse with resilience forged by fire's purifying touch. Each fleeting moment held its own cruel symphony, a discordant serenade condemned to echo through memory's fade. In those silent spaces, though, Sammy found solace, nestling in the niche carved by art and literary expression. He'd wield these outlets against the oppressive darkness, nurturing an unlikely fortress to fend off the demons besieging his isolated selfhood.As youth surrendered to adulthood, Sammy developed an unwavering resolve, stitched boldly in the tapestry of torment. The perpetual shadow loomed over him—a monolithic entity pulsating within familial embraces, entangling his validation with chains forged from cruelty and neglect. However, beneath the tethers of oppression, seeds of resilience bloomed within this survivor whose heart refused to yield, and a fierce spark ignited his will. Fueled by the flames of resistance, Sammy continued to seek transcendence past palpable bonds, tunneling through the tormented labyrinth of a cursed destiny forged by his own bloodline.

Borne out of the tangled brush of a tumultuous storm, Sammy's early years dripped with excerpts of life obscured by a dreary murk as he wrestled a twisted fate. As he traversed his formative stages – from tender infant to burgeoning adolescent – his existence teetered on the jagged edge of survival's knife. Coiled within layers of vulnerability, young Sammy became a pawn in his family's twisted game, their hands lashing out in unrelenting abuse.
From five years old, a sinister pattern of violence engulfed the once-innocent boy: cruel blows that left welts across his soft flesh or mercifully numb limbs. The air around him was thick with hushed whispers, carrying profound dread and betrayals of trust incubated in familial bonds. Starvation gnawed at him, ripping through fragile bones and hollow organs, gnashing incessantly on the oxygen he cherished. Day by merciless day, the subtle dance between darkness and light fractured him, honing angular edges bred in physical agony and emotional torment.The rebellion against this despair manifested, at times, as quiet defiance, an untried armor articulated by silence. His family's incessant tirades, driven by their nebulous motives, bore little impact on Sammy's appetite for existence-each harrowing strike only steeled him further, a stoic warrior born in the maelstrom of human cruelty. Even amidst tireless pain and scarce sustenance, he retained a speck of light—his artistic endeavors served as solace against the soul-devouring adversity.This formidable expanse extended itself over years until youth begrudgingly relinquished its cloak to adulthood's arrival. Sammy's countenance bore witness to a private battle waged at every thudding heartbeat; yet through it all, his pluck persisted like an unbreakable castigation against the heinous cycle enshrouding his childhood's esoteric tragedies. Amidst the bleakest days, hope slipped through terror's cracks and whispered forbearance if only he could withstand the tests draped in deceitful serenity. From mere boyhood onward, he pressed forward—driven by intentions as obscure as the abusers' rationale—in search for answers cacophonous in delivery but whispered from inner courage's lips.




short & safe

In a realm where shadows whisper and secrets weave, Sammy was born into an existence marred by suffering. His childhood was a bleak symphony of torment, conducted by the relentless cruelty of his parents. Their words were knives, their fists unyielding, and the echoes of their wrath carved deep scars into Sammy's soul.One fateful night, his parents sealed his tragic destiny, offering him as a sacrifice to the gods in their insatiable quest for power. In that harrowing moment, Sammy's innocence was irrevocably shattered, his trust brutally betrayed. Yet, from the depths of his despair, a flicker of defiance ignited within him.Miraculously surviving the ritual, Sammy emerged transformed, a warrior with the heart of an artist and the soul of a poet. Stoic and silent, his words bore the weight of his past, and each stroke of his brush became a battle cry against his tormentors.Haunted by the caution that betrayal had instilled in him, yet driven by a boundless, impulsive creativity, Sammy roamed the world. He was a scarred poet-warrior, seeking solace in the beauty he forged from the ashes of his past. Clad in the armor of his history, he was ever-prepared to confront the darkness that lay ahead, finding strength and purpose in the art that had become his shield and sword.


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